Just before the Summer Break, we are thrilled to announce that our AI Health Tech Platform is alive and in internal beta version for testing. We have a few Seniors already using the wearable and testing. We are pleased to share a couple of screenshots from the VitalMedix App in internal beta version (attached).
During Summer we will add the main functionalities, which you can find out about on our new Website, which is in the process of being updated:
VitalMedix Beta ready
The world’s first AI Health Assistant purposefully designed by doctors and researchers to continously protect the health of Seniors;
+ Falls Detection and Prevention
+ Physical Frailty & Mobility
+ Cognitive Fitness
+ Hydration & Nutrition
+ Vital Signs Monitoring

Meet the full Team
Our Clinical, Technological and Executive Team
Our AI Health Technology is carefully designed and validated by doctors and researchers, based on state-of-art clinical evidence and guidelines, ensuring that safe, ethical and regulated AI is used to enhance human lives.
Meet the Team her -->